...Disciples, we call ourselves a Pro-Reconciling, Anti-Racist church. We have named it as a mission priority, and we have worked hard – though often imperfectly – to live that out in every expression of our ministry. In this moment, when protests rage and our hearts are broken again and again, we need to be the church we say we are.
-- Yours in Christ,
Rev. Terri Hord Owens, General Minister and President
Rev. April Johnson, Minister of Reconciliation
Click Here to see the entirety of the letter, sign the statement, and learn about different ways to act.
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday (Fridays Administrative Assistant works from home) 8am-12noon; 1pm-2:30pm Worship Services are on Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am. Masks are not required but are recommended. We are continuing services online via Zoom and Facebook live, with YouTube videos going up the next business day.
Sunday Worship Times: 10 am for live videos 10:00 am in the sanctuary |