First Christian Church of Chico
FCC Chico is a church that believes every person is someone of dignity and worth -- just as you are.
Annual Congregational Meeting and Stewardship Sunday is November 17th, 2024November 17th is our Annual Congregational Meeting and Stewardship Sunday. We will be voting on next year’s church leaders during the Sunday morning service on November 17th. This is the same day pledge cards are due. Stewardship letters with pledge cards have been mailed out, and electronic copies of the letter and the pledge card are on our website here: Pledge cards and envelopes are also in the pew racks in the Sanctuary. Please return the pledge card by mail, in the offering plates on Sunday mornings, or by dropping it through the church mail slot at any time before November 17th, 2024. Thank you!
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday (Fridays Administrative Assistant works from home) 8am-12noon; 1pm-2:30pm Worship Services are on Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am. Masks are not required but are recommended. We are continuing services online via Zoom and Facebook live, with YouTube videos going up the next business day.
Sunday Worship Times: 10 am for live videos 10:00 am in the sanctuary |